Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013 Bitcoin Mining

Hello once again,
If you've read my last post, you already know about Bitcoins. They're a virtual currency, and very hyped right now.
To get Bitcoins, you can either buy them, or mine them.
Bitcoin Mining means that a computer or a specialized device (Miner) solves complex mathematic tasks.
Normal PCs are actually not powerful enough to really earn anything from mining, that's why you need those special Bitcoin Miners.
And today I just wanted to inform you about a new company that is selling Bitcoin Miners now.
Their website is and they sell 3 different xtreme miners, a 2.5. TH one called Leopard, a 5 TH one called Tiger and a 7.5 TH one called Lion. (The number of TH determines how powerful the miner is, and how fast it can earn a certain amount of coins)
Just take a look yourself:

If their machines are actually as good as they look, they might revolutionize the market. We all know that the outer appearance of a machine doesn't change anything on the inside, but it still influences you and your opinion about the product - at least in my case!
Shipping starts in January for Xtreme Miners Leopard and Tiger, Xtrememiner Lion ships in February 2014.
The smallest xtrememiner consumes 750w, the middle xtrememiner 1500w and the largest 2250w. 
Every XtremeMiner comes with a 1 year guarantee, and can be connected via WiFi or Ethernet. And worldwide shipping is actually included in the price.

The company is fairly new on the market and they are based in germany - which is interesting, because germany has never had a company before that creates Bitcoin Miners.

Anyway so I hope you guys read this with interest, and maybe I could inform some of you about something new! Cheers

The Bitcoin Carousel

I asume most of you have heard about Bitcoins already.
They're a crypto-currency, which means they're basically a currency which is created by Computers that calculate complex tasks. Also, Bitcoins are not ruled by any governmental authority or bank, their transfers are irreversable and every bitcoin adress is traceable.

So those are the facts.
One Bitcoin was worth only a few cents or a few dollars for a long time. the crrency exists since 2009 and until 2013, nothing really happened with it. But this year, 2013, was definitely the year of bitcoin.
In Spring 2013, the price rose to unbelievable $200, then went down in a crash and remained somewhat stable at 100$ until late summer.
But in autumn 2013, the price totally exploded. There is no other word for this than an EXPLOSION.
the Price went fromm $150 to $1200 and even higher.
So right now, the price is fluctuating quite a bit between $800 and $1200, but we can assume that the price will rise even higher in the future.
Not only Bitcoins have been rising though, other cryptocurrencies like LTC NMC and PPC are rising with them!
I'm very excited to see how things will develop!

Newstime Info / Haiyan Relief

Welcome everyone.
So this is going to be my new project! 

I've always wanted to write my blog, but haven't come around to do it until today, don't ask me why.

So I just want to share my thoughts with you, and everything else that may be interesting and that's happening around the globe.

On a serious note, we have all heard about the terrible Taifun Haiyan which destroyed the Philippines. Now, several weeks after the catastrophy, people are still in very bad condition.
Help has reached them, but by far not enough.

What's horrible is that a few weeks after something like this happens, the media stops reporting about it. And so, people stop donating, they stop caring. Although the survivors need the help right NOW - to build up a new life.
It's christmas time soon so we should think about giving to those in need.

Okay everybody so I'm happy if you read this blog, I will also add my tumblr and other social media here so that you can check out all my web profiles! until then, have a great week