Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

The Bitcoin Carousel

I asume most of you have heard about Bitcoins already.
They're a crypto-currency, which means they're basically a currency which is created by Computers that calculate complex tasks. Also, Bitcoins are not ruled by any governmental authority or bank, their transfers are irreversable and every bitcoin adress is traceable.

So those are the facts.
One Bitcoin was worth only a few cents or a few dollars for a long time. the crrency exists since 2009 and until 2013, nothing really happened with it. But this year, 2013, was definitely the year of bitcoin.
In Spring 2013, the price rose to unbelievable $200, then went down in a crash and remained somewhat stable at 100$ until late summer.
But in autumn 2013, the price totally exploded. There is no other word for this than an EXPLOSION.
the Price went fromm $150 to $1200 and even higher.
So right now, the price is fluctuating quite a bit between $800 and $1200, but we can assume that the price will rise even higher in the future.
Not only Bitcoins have been rising though, other cryptocurrencies like LTC NMC and PPC are rising with them!
I'm very excited to see how things will develop!

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